
Repair and reinforcement work at the Lauttasaari BRIDGE, Helsinki 2019-2020

Repair and reinforcement work at the Lauttasaari bridge, Helsinki 2019-2020 The project, in which the steel box girder bridge was repaired and reinforced in 2019-2020, can be shortly described in three words: a huge undertaking. M. Rautio Oy started to prepare the repair work for the bridge, originally completed in 1969, by measuring old structures and making as-built drawings based on the measurements. “Based on previous experience, we assumed that the welded seams shown in the original drawings and the bolt locations were probably not correct,” explains Markku Rautio. Their assumptions were correct, and so an intensive design

Raippaluoto bridge, Vaasa 1996-1997

Raippaluoto bridge, Vaasa 1996-1997 The longest bridge in Finland was built in order to replace the ferry connection from the Raippaluoto islet to the mainland. This cable-stayed bridge is over one kilometre long, and its main designer was the Oulu-based engineering office Suunnittelu Kortes. “The people at Kortes had learned to trust us during the bridge boom. They believed in my ideas about installing the bridge and how it was divided into sections. So, we proceeded by using my ideas for it and everything went well,” recalls Markku Rautio about the early stages of the Raippaluoto bridge. Finland’s

The REDI shopping centre, Helsinki 2016-2017

The REDI shopping centre, Helsinki 2016-2017 The REDI shopping centre as a part of Finland’s biggest urban building project The REDI shopping mall, situated in the Kalasatama neighbourhood in Helsinki, is one of the largest construction projects implemented in Finland. The construction company SRV had already started this giant project in August 2011 with earthmoving and excavation work. REDI was designed to combine a shopping centre, modern urban living, and excellent transport connections in a new way. The construction of the shopping centre itself began in 2015 with concrete works. Between 2016 and 2017, M. Rautio Oy delivered

E18 NOISE BARRIERS, Nihtisilta-Tuomarila 2018

E18 NOISE BARRIERS, Nihtisilta-Tuomarila 2018 An almost 3-kilometre-long noise barrier built along Finnish national road 1 (E18) In connection with work to improve traffic flow, the Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency and the City of Espoo commissioned an almost 3-kilometre-long sound-absorbing noise barrier along the very busy Finnish national road 1. The traffic volume between Ring II (the Nihtisilta area) and the Tuomarila area is approximately 62,000 vehicles per day, and one the goals of the projects was to improve noise control. The main contractor for the project was the company Graniittirakennus Kallio. Markku Rautio describes how the project

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